Sarah Paulson, known for her work in Ryan Murphy’s American Horror Story anthology, is excited to act alongside Kim Kardashian in their new legal drama series, All’s Fair. The show, created by Murphy, will focus on an all-female divorce law firm and marks the first collaboration between Paulson and Kardashian. Despite Kardashian’s background in reality TV, Paulson is ready to defend her skills as an actress and celebrate the idea of women coming together on screen.
Kardashian, who recently passed the “baby bar” exam in her journey to becoming an attorney, will play a high-powered divorce attorney on the show, channeling real-life lawyer Laura Wasser. Paulson is currently starring in the horror film Hold Your Breath, set in 1930s Oklahoma, before beginning work on All’s Fair.
Paulson’s enthusiasm for working with Kardashian stems from a desire to showcase strong female performances and to provide entertainment in a world filled with challenges. The actress enjoys the extreme nature of horror genre roles, where her dramatic tendencies have a place to shine.
All’s Fair is expected to be a captivating series under Murphy’s direction, and fans of both Paulson and Kardashian are eagerly anticipating seeing the two actresses share the screen for the first time. Hold Your Breath is currently available for streaming on Hulu, offering viewers a taste of Paulson’s talent before the upcoming legal drama series.
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