A new Netflix series titled “Nobody Wants This” has taken the internet by storm with viewers raving about the on-screen chemistry between stars Adam Brody and Kristen Bell. The show, which focuses on the unlikely romance between a cute rabbi and a sharp podcast host, has garnered attention for their first on-screen kiss, which many fans are declaring the best kiss of the decade.
The nostalgia factor is high with viewers, as both Brody and Bell have been in iconic TV shows like The O.C., Veronica Mars, and Gilmore Girls. The show portrays them as grown-up and sexy, yet relatable characters who are funny and smart. Their kiss at the end of episode two, after two whole seasons of buildup, has been praised for the natural chemistry between the two actors.
Bell has even called it the best kiss she’s ever done on screen, attributing its success to the actors’ ability to create anticipation leading up to the moment. The ambiance, lighting, and soundtrack all added to the romantic atmosphere, making it a memorable moment for viewers who have been eagerly waiting for the characters to get together.
Fans are hoping for a second season to see more of the captivating relationship between Noah and Joanne, but for now, they can’t stop talking about the perfect kiss that has captured the hearts of viewers everywhere.
Photo credit www.usmagazine.com