Reports have emerged of unlicensed Special Police Officers (SPO) operating in Washington, D.C. A whistleblower alleged that a company, Off Duty Protection, was not legally licensed to provide security at the Columbia Heights Village apartment complex. The whistleblower claimed that the company used excessive force, leading to concerns about unethical practices and illegal activities involving non-licensed SPOs and owners working as armed officers without proper credentials.
Following the whistleblower’s revelations, the Columbia Heights Village terminated the contract with the company and hired a new security provider. The DC police are currently investigating the allegations and working with the city’s licensing department to address the issue.
John Ayala, a licensed SPO and owner of Archangel Security and Training, expressed concerns about the prevalence of unlicensed SPOs working in D.C. and emphasized the importance of ensuring that security personnel are fully licensed to prevent legal and safety issues. Ayala also cautioned against working with security companies that require SPOs to carry their own firearms, as it is prohibited in D.C.
The D.C. Department of Licensing and Consumer Protection confirmed that Off Duty Protection was not a licensed agency in the city and stated that a complaint had been lodged and was under review. MPD’s Security Officers Management Branch (SOMB) handles SPO matters, but D.C. police acknowledged the need for increased oversight in addressing non-licensed contracts and SPOs.
The investigation into the unauthorized operations of SPOs in Washington, D.C., continues, and updates on the situation will be provided as the story develops.
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