Republican lawmakers in Arizona are fighting to require proof of citizenship for voting in federal elections, with hopes to take the case to the U.S. Supreme Court. Currently, voters can register without showing papers and attest they are legal citizens under penalty of perjury. There are concerns about voter fraud from undocumented immigrants. Civil rights activists argue that requiring proof of citizenship may disenfranchise low-income and voters of color. The issue is crucial in a battleground state like Arizona, where every vote counts. Arizona’s two-track system for voter registration, requiring proof of citizenship for all voters, is facing a legal battle. Similar laws requiring proof of citizenship are being introduced in other Republican-controlled states. Critics argue there is scant evidence of noncitizen voting and the extra documentation could deter legal voters from registering. Recent court rulings in Arizona have gone back and forth on the citizenship requirement, causing confusion. The timeline is crucial as voter registration ahead of the presidential election is expected to increase. Groups like Vote Riders are working to ensure eligible voters have the necessary documentation to register and cast their ballots. The issue highlights a broader debate over voter integrity, convenience, and potential barriers to voting rights.
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